The Power of Peer Mentoring
Russell and David talk about the power of peer mentoring on the Catch22 podcast
This site has been designed to be an interactive and continuously evolving resource for people with lived experience, organisations who offer peer support and the people commissioning peer support services. Below you will find all the latest news and views on anything to do with peer volunteering and lived experience.
If you have some news or a resource that you would like to contribute to the site, please get in touch.
If you are looking for our best practice guide, you can download it here.
Russell and David talk about the power of peer mentoring on the Catch22 podcast
David Breakspear and Billa Nanra on the power of being a peer mentor.
Karen Kendall, Participation Lead for HM Inspectorate of Probation, says hearing the voice of people on probation matters.
Report of a new scoping project to examine the feasibility, acceptability, and practical considerations of developing a peer-based needle
exchange service in Hackney.
Vanisha Smith, Employability Coach at Working Chance, writes about the importance of being a name, not a number.
David Breakspear on an empowering day chairing a RECONNECT event
CJ Burge reflects on her journey from prison to boardroom, offering hope and advice to other upcoming leaders who have personal experience of prison.
Rob Calder talks about co-production, pizza and how research should be a tomato rather…
Lived experience work in criminal justice can be safe, sustaining and inclusive AND exclusionary, shame-provoking and precarious.
Stigmatising language dehumanises the individual and widens the gap between probation and people under probation supervision.
Peer mentoring involves community members, often with lived experience of criminal justice, working or volunteering in supporting relationships and is now integral to the delivery of most services in the criminal justice system.
WHO global research finds that peer-based and drug user-lead services and health interventions are fundamental to effective treatment for people who inject drugs.
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