Designed for Three Groups of People
This website (and the best practice guide) was designed to meet the needs of three groups of people:
- People with lived experience who volunteer (or want to volunteer) to give back to others.
- Provider organisations who have peer support services and want to ensure that they ensure high quality support for their peer volunteers.
- Commissioners who commission services which include peer support and want to ensure that those services provide the best quality support possible to the peers who volunteer for them.
By clicking on your role below you can find your way to resources designed specifically for you.
designed for three groups of people
Get Started
Lived Experience
Do you have lived experience? If you are a volunteer or want to start giving back to others, you’ve come to the right place.
Does your organisation offer peer support? You can find help with best practice and recruiting people with lived experience .
Do you commission services which include peer support? See the best practice standards you should be requiring.