Welcome to the Peer Volunteers resource site
Everything you need to know about peer volunteers
designed for three groups of people
Get Started
Lived Experience
Do you have lived experience? If you are a volunteer or want to start giving back to others, you’ve come to the right place.
Does your organisation offer peer support? You can find help with best practice and recruiting people with lived experience .
Do you commission services which include peer support? See the best practice standards you should be requiring.
All the guidance on this site is based on the lived experience of peer volunteers
“With Peer Mentoring you start to realise the skills you have - most of us who have been through the criminal justice system feel we are worthless.”
— A person with lived experience —
New Resources
This site is updated regularly. Here’s just some of the recent additions.

The Power of Peer Mentoring
Russell and David talk about the power of peer mentoring on the Catch22 podcast

Mentoring for the Shannon Trust helped change our lives
David Breakspear and Billa Nanra on the power of being a peer mentor.

Hearing the Voice of people on probation
Karen Kendall, Participation Lead for HM Inspectorate of Probation, says hearing the voice of people on probation matters.

A peer-based needle exchange for London?
Report of a new scoping project to examine the feasibility, acceptability, and practical considerations of developing a peer-based needle
exchange service in Hackney.

The Power of her Name
Vanisha Smith, Employability Coach at Working Chance, writes about the importance of being a name, not a number.

The passion of lived experience
David Breakspear on an empowering day chairing a RECONNECT event
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